The Crypto Miner Car is a blockchain-based installation. Central to the work is a crypto mining rig with GPU units hacked to recover waste heat and fuel little electric cars, while cryptocurrency is being mined. The piece is an experimental work exploring the shifting nature of the digital economy in the light of the ecological and social crisis. The work presents a prototype for wealth redistribution that confronts today’s technological and environmental challenges with disruptive thoughts on an alternative vision for the use of energy.
Once status symbol of modernity, the car acts here as a visionary trigger probing possible visions of the future between reality and fiction. Ideas about modernity are shattered and technological challenges are approached in a playful and provocative manner. Visions of sustainable energy production and self-driving vehicles are brought together here in a disruptive scenario.
The Crypto Miner Car brings a car that moves towards a new, contemporary and disruptive form of mobility. Within the critical discourse on climate change, CO2 emissions and global warming, this work explores how the computational process and massive computing power involved in the mining process of cryptocurrencies can be deployed in the urban and social fabric, within the context of climate change.
The series of digital renders on display in the exhibition is a selection drawn from prototypes of components LarbitsSisters artist duo has designed in their endeavour to power a car with renewable energy through the mining process of cryptocurrencies.
With thanks to Thomas More University of Applied Science Mechelen, Diabatix, EAVISE Research Group KU Leuven and Flanders Innovatieve Partnerprojecten, for their support.